Monday, November 15, 2010

what am I doing?
rather than sit in class, I've come to ignore my responsibilities and of course... i can't even finish this sentence.

I couldn't finish college (still at that one)
couldn't make it as a photographer - and yet idiots with a point and shoot, no money, no connections, can move to NYC and get work...
i couldn't make it in LA
couldn't make it as a personal trainer
can't even personally train myself to get a six pack.
i can't keep a man.
i can't keep a job.
i can't keep my bathroom clean.

i'm a useless sap of nothing going nowhere and feeling the emptiness of everything.

the emptiness of everything. Everything is all over and inside and out of everything you see. everything is inside and out of everything you can't see. Its every piece of matter and every piece of space in between all the matter. And I only feel the emptiness in all of it. nothing is there. none of it matters...i'm not really here either.

1 comment:

  1. you feel this way it's probably because you haven't found the one thing that could motivate you... just keep searching, I'm sure is out there waiting for you to find it!!!
